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Batch ABI/SCF Sequences Assembler 2.60 Description:
Batch ABI/SCF Sequences Assembler is easy to use software for simple and batch DNA sequence assembly, DNA sequence analysis, contig editing, metadata integration and mutation detection. It also offers a powerful chromatogram viewer/editor. The truly user-friendly interface makes Batch ABI/SCF Sequences Assembler the best choice for DNA contig assembly.

Why is Batch ABI/SCF Sequences Assembler special?

The sequence assembly tool offered by the program is complete. You can import and align multiple DNA sequences to a reference sequence. The supported input formats are: SCF, ABI, AB, AB1, AB!, FASTA, SEQ, GBK, TXT, multiFASTA. The chromatogram viewer/editor is really good and easy to use. With a single click any chromatogram can be reverse-complemented. Ambiguities are very easy to spot in the sequence assembly viewer because they are clearly marked in red. There are tow buttons that allows you to jump to the next/previous ambiguity. Bases can be edited/deleted. Low quality ends are not taken into consideration when the contig is created and are marked in dark gray color. The entire alignment can be view at a glance in the contig map viewer.

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